With over fifteen years of moving Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB) work from theory to practice, Kiesha Lamb is the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Seek Equity Consulting LLC. She is an educator, thought partner, and a transformational leader of both micro and macro level change.

With a degree in Educational Equity and the Arts and a lifelong commitment to liberation, Kiesha began her career as one of the lowest-paid direct service employees within public schools, non-profits, and across racially and linguistically diverse communities. Since then, she has led equity work with learners and leaders across the nation of all ages, backgrounds, and positions, from classroom tables, the front of University lecture halls, and from the middle of a Zoom screen. Kiesha has navigated various dynamic leadership positions, from advising Administrators of national notoriety to partnering with local community organizations and Affinity groups. Having studied and practiced human centered approaches to learning and leading, Kiesha has curated a DEIB philosophy that is aligned with the research and the core values of humanity, compassion, and equity.

Kiesha has deeply studied Reconciliation in the U.S. and South Africa. She has leveraged her learning to excavate and heal at the intersections of life. She designs human-centered data driven frameworks to guide the liberation of the most minoritized among us.

Kiesha Lamb is ready to share her unique equity expertise with You!

Equity work is everyday work, and Kiesha prides herself in centering humanity as a vehicle for achieving equity.